Thursday, January 8, 2015

Stream of Consciousness for the Opinion-Editorial

What am I passionate about?  The first thing that comes to mind is women’s rights.  I’ve become quite the feminist since I got to college. I was sort of always that way, but I’ve become more passionate about it and more aware of what the word “feminist” means.   But I don’t know how I would write about that.  One of the things I dislike and would like to change the most is rape culture.  I hate that.  But I don’t know that I feel qualified to write about it.  I’ll keep it in mind, though.
What else am I passionate about?  That stupid pizza joke comes to mind.  It goes something like this: “What’s the difference between a pepperoni pizza and an art major?  A pepperoni pizza can feed a family of four.”  If you laughed, I gave you a look.  As an illustration major, that hurts.  It hits way too close to home.  One of the very worst, most terrifying things about being an artist is the idea that I won’t be able to support myself or my family if I have to.  It’s scary to realize that what I love, what I dedicate countless hours of my life to, may not have any financial benefit for me in the end.  Somehow, it seems more pure that way.  But I’d prefer if it didn’t affect the people I love as well as me.  I also struggle with feeling selfish.  If I wanted to, I could be a pretty good doctor.  It would take a different part of myself, but I could handle it.  But I’d never be happy the way I am studying illustration.  It feeds a part of my soul that I can’t live without.  But sometimes I wonder if that’s worth the opportunities I may give up for my family.   Is it selfish to pursue what I love if something else would probably be better for my kids?  And what about my future husband?  He might not feel able to do something he loves, because he feels a need to support a family.  If I were a doctor, or something like that, maybe he wouldn’t have to worry.  I don’t mind confronting these problems.  They’re important and the answers I find will determine a large part of the person I become.  But I don’t feel like it’s anyone else’s place to decide for me and I don’t think it’s anyone else’s place to joke about it.  These are serious issues that have great personal significance for me and that joke trivializes my entire education and all the sacrifices that I make to do what I love.  That really bothers me.

1 comment:

  1. You will have a great paper because of your passion and spirit for your major. It is really cool to see how much you want to prove to others that the art major is all worth it! Money isn't the most important thing and you show a lot of courage in taking on tho subject to show others what you love. Show them the positive side of the art major and you will do great! Good luck!
